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Elderberry P.E.

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Elderberry P.E.
[Product name]: Elderberry P.E.
[Latin name]: Sambucus williamsii Hance
[Botanical Source]: It is defoliation shrub or small arbor. Its height is 5 to 8 meters. It grows up in the forests of a mountainside or shrubs along the roads. It distributes in the provinces of DongBei, HuaBei, HuaDong, HuaZhong, XiNan and ShannXi, GanSu etc.
[Quality standard]:
1. Active Ingredient: 1.Anthocyandins 2.Anthocyanin
2. Part used: Fruit
3. Appearance: Violet-red fine powder
4. Mesh: 100% pass 80 mesh
5. Odor: Characteristic
6. Loss On Drying: ≤5%
7. Sulphated Ash: <5%
8. Heavy metal: <5PPM
9. Residual Solvents: <0.05PPM
[Microbiology standard]
1.Total Plate Count: <1000CFU/gm
2.Yeast&Mold: <100CFU/gm
3. Salmonella: Negative
4. E.Coli: Negative
[Pharmacological Function]: Dispelling wind-evil, removing dampness by diuresis, promoting blood circulation, relieving the pain. It is used for rheumatic arthralgia and myalgia, soreness of waist, dropsy, urticaria, postpartum anemic fainting, injury due to falling, bone fracture, wound hemorrhage.
[Package]: Double plastic-bag inside, aluminum foil bag paper or fiber drum outside. N.W:
[Storage]: Store in cool and dry place and avoid light and heat.
[Shelf Life]: 2 years
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