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Black Rice P.E.

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Black rice P.E.
[Product name]: Black rice P.E.
[Latin name]: Oryza satiua
[Botanical Source]: It is also called indian millet, black pearl, black glutinous rice, moon rice and so on. It mainly distributes in the south slope of QinLing, the north of HanJiang, and other districts are not fit for growing this kind rice.So Black rice is rare and precious. It is extracted by extent technology using Black rice’s testa as material.
[Quality standard]:
1. Active Ingredient: 1. Anthocyandins 2. Anthocyanin
2. Part used: Seed skin
3. Appearance: Violet-red fine powder
4. Mesh: 100% pass 80 mesh
5. Odor: Characteristic
6. Loss On Drying: ≤5%
7. Sulphated Ash: ≤5%
8. Heavy metal: <10PPM
9. Residual Solvents: <0.05PPM
[Microbiology standard]
1.Total Plate Count: <1000CFU/gm
2.Yeast&Mold: <100CFU/gm
3. Salmonella: Negative
4. E.Coli: Negative
[Pharmacological Function]: Nourishing yin and invigorating the kidney, strengthening the spleen, warming the liver, improving eyesight, promoting blood circulation and so on; Curing body weakness, dizziness, hyphemia, the white hair, eye disease, soreness of waist and knee pain and lassitude of the extremities; Preventing cancer.
[Package]: Double plastic-bag inside, aluminum foil bag paper or fiber drum outside. N.W: 25kg/drum
[Storage]: Store in cool and dry place and avoid light and heat.
[Shelf Life]: 2 years
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