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Black Soybean Hull P.E.

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Black soybean hull P.E.
[Product name]: Black soybean hull P.E.
[Latin name]: Glycine max (L.).Merr.
[Botanical Source]: Black soybean is named black soy, glycine max and so on and called the king of the bean. It lies in northeast of China, and now fostered all over the world. Black soybean hull is named black bean coat. It is the black skinof soja belonged to leguminous plants. Its appearance is brown or black. It mainly distributes in JiangXi, JiangSu .
[Quality standard]:
1. Active Ingredient: 1. Anthocyandins 2. Anthocyanin
2. Part used: Seed skin
3. Appearance: Violet-red fine powder
4. Mesh: 100% pass 80 mesh
5. Odor: Characteristic
6. Loss On Drying: ≤5%
7. Sulphated Ash: <5%
8. Heavy metal: <5PPM
9. Residual Solvents: <0.05PPM
[Microbiology standard]
1.Total Plate Count: <1000CFU/gm
2.Yeast&Mold: <100CFU/gm
3. Salmonella: Negative
4. E.Coli: Negative
[Pharmacological Function]: Enrichingthe blood and dispelling wind; Curing yin asthenia and dysphoria with smothery sensation, night sweat, dizziness and headache.
[Package]: Double plastic-bag inside, aluminum foil bag paper or fiber drum outside. N.W: 25kg/drum
[Storage]: Store in cool and dry place and avoid light and heat.
[Shelf Life]: 2 years
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