Bao Ji Hongyuan Bio-Technology Col.Ltd
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Detailed Selling Lead Description
Bilberry P.E.
[Product name]: Bilberry P.E.
[Latin name]: Vaccinnium vitis-idaea Linn.
[Botanical Source]: Its scientific name is Vaccinium, Vitis-idaeal, Ericaceae, caccinium. Its byname is bilberry, tooth lump and so on. It mainly grows in HeiLongJiang, JiLin, the east of Mongolia. Among these places, it chiefly grows in DaXingAnLing. Its ripe fruits are right red and taste sweet sour. Its leaves contain ursine, ursolicacid, tannin. There is a red pigment in Pericarp.
[Quality standard]:
1. Active Ingredient: 1.Anthocyandins 2.anthocyanin
2. Part used: Fruit
3. Appearance: Violet-red fine powder
4. Mesh: 100% pass 80 mesh
5. Odor: Characteristic
6. Loss On Drying: ≤5%
7. Sulphated Ash: <5%
8. Heavy metal: <5PPM
9. Residual Solvents: <0.05PPM
[Microbiology standard]
1.Total Plate Count: <1000CFU/gm
2.Yeast&Mold: <100CFU/gm
3. Salmonella: Negative
4. E.Coli: Negative
[Pharmacological Function]: Increasing urine, diminishing inflammation and preventing decay.
Curing acute cystitis, urinary tract infection and acute rheumatic arthralgia.
[Package]: Double plastic-bag inside, aluminum foil bag paper or fiber drum outside. N.W:
[Storage]: Store in cool and dry place and avoid light and heat.
[Shelf Life]: 2 years
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