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Olive Extract Powder

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Olive extract powder
[product name]:Olive extract powder
[Latin name]: Olea europaea L
[Botanical Source]: It is extracted by the leaves of olive tree.
[Quality standard]:
1. Active Ingredient: Oleuropein
2. Part used: Leaf
3. Appearance: Dull green fine powder.
4. Mesh: 100% pass 80 mesh
5. Odor: Characteristic
6. Loss On Drying: ≤5%
7. Sulphated Ash: <5%
8. Heavy metal: <10PPM
9. Residual Solvents: <0.05PPM
[Microbiology standard]
1.Total Plate Count: <1000CFU/gm
2.Yeast&Mold: <100CFU/gm
3. Salmonella: Negative
4. E.Coli: Negative
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