Jiangsu Yada Special Luminous Material Co. Ltd
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Synthetics Leather, Resin, Other Chemicals and more.

Fire Safety Signs

Fire Safety Signs

It requires no power supply, easy installation, light-emitting high safety factor, in the absence of sufficient light source may be self-luminous, allowing users to...
Pu Leather

Pu Leather

Noctiluca PU leather PU leather in general on the basis of processing, to produce luminous effects, luminous effect of the use of...
Marine Signs

Marine Signs

Products with automatic light-emitting function: the light absorption, the dark luminous, including the rescue of ships and ship safety signs, fire control two...
Luminous Film

Luminous Film

Luminous film is produced by emitting a soft plastic film, this film can be stored in the natural world to absorb any visible light and visible light, visible...
Photoluminescent Plastic Resin

Photoluminescent Plastic Resin

Luminescent plastic resin is a high-tech product of Non radio active, no heavy metals or dangerous chemicals , developed by the technicians in our company. It can...
Glow In Dark Pigment

Glow In Dark Pigment

Photoluminescent powder from rare earth, which absorbs ultraviolet, lamplight, sunlight and other visible lights for only 15 minutes, then give out lights for...
Photolumincent Materials

Photolumincent Materials

producing hi-tech photoluminous photon emitting material and products. containing photoluminescent film and sheet ,photoluminescent sign sticker/plates,luminescent...
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