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17A-Methyl-1-Androstene-3B, 17B-Diol (M1t)

17A-Methyl-1-Androstene-3B, 17B-Diol (M1t)

17A-Methyl-1-Androstene-3B, 17B-Diol (M1t)

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Brand: bodybuilding
Model: skype:mafang2355
Price: USD 1 / g
Min. Order: 10g g
17a-methyl-1-androstene-3b, 17b-diol (M1T)
Synonyms: 17a-methyl-1-androstene-3b, 17b-diol ; METHYL 1-AD
Brief introduction of METHYL 1-AD:
M1T is a methylated oral steroid first researched in the 1950??s for medical purposes but never introduced as a prescription drug. M1T was sold over the counter as a supplement until January of 2005, when it was banned as an illegal anabolic steroid.

M1T is significantly more anabolic than androgenic, but is still fairly androgenic. Androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, and heightened blood pressure and cholesterol are a concern.
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