Detailed Selling Lead Description
China Trademark
EURO Attorney Fees
Trademark Search* - 0
1 Application Stage 100 200
Preparing and filing an application of a trademark/service mark in one class(not exceeding 10 items of goods or service, for each additional good or service more than limit of 10, additional EURO 10 Official Fee is charged)
2 Examination and Publication Stage
3 Acceptance and Registration Stage (10 years)
Postages, facsimiles, translation and copying fees per trademark - 30
Note: 1. The above fees are full fees from application to smooth registration.
2. Please pay bank commissions to assure us full fees received.
3. If priority right is claimed, additional EURO 50.00 is charged for preparing and processing the identification documents of priority right.
4. If your trademark has already been in application process.
we could handle amendment, assignment ,opposition ,defence, renewal, license or other relevant trademark matters for you. Should you need further information, please contact us directly via phone, fax or email.