Huamei Wire Mesh Co., Ltd.
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Dutch Weave Wire Mesh

Dutch Weave Wire Mesh

Dutch Weave Wire Mesh

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Model: 7314
Commodity Name: Dutch Weave Wire Mesh (Special Wire Mesh)
Huamei Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd. posseses advanced tailoring equipment, so we can offer strips of wire mesh in all kinds of widths, and cut wire mesh into rectangle or square sheets of wire mesh in all kinds of specifications, etc..
Plain Dutch weaving
mesh wire diameter absolute filtration rate μm nominal filtration
rate μm
8x85 .014x.0126 318 - 340 250 - 255
12x64 .024x.0165 270 - 285 200 - 205
14x88 .020x.013 225 - 245 150 - 155
20x150 .0098x.007 155 - 165 100 - 105
24x100 .015x.010 115 - 125 80 - 85
30x150 .009x.007 95 - 100 65 - 70
40x200 .007x.0055 65 - 70 55 - 60
50x250 .0055x.0045 55 - 60 40 - 45
80x400 .0049x.0028 43 - 48 35 - 40

Twill Dutch weaving
mesh wire diameter absolute filtration rate μm nominal filtration rate μm
20x250 .0098x.0079 110 - 120 98 - 105
30x360 .0098x.0060 90 - 100 80 - 84
40x560 .0070x.0040 70 - 75 47 - 52
120x400 .0040x.0025 50 - 55 37 - 43
120x160 .0040x.0025 40 - 45 28 - 32
80x700 .0040x.0030 35 - 40 24 - 26
200x600 .0024x.0018 28 - 32 19 - 21
165x800 .0028x.0020 24 - 26 14 - 16
165x1400 .0028x.0016 16 - 18 9 - 11
200x1400 .0028x.0016 12 - 14 5 - 6
250x1400 .0022x.0016 11 - 12 3 - 4
325x2300 .0015x.0010 8 - 9 2 - 3
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