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Comvita Active 10+ Manuka Honey 375G

Comvita Active 10+ Manuka Honey 375G

Comvita Active 10+ Manuka Honey 375G

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Comvita Active 10+ Manuka Honey 375g
Made in New Zealand
Natural New Zealand Manuka Honey Active Factor 10% Manuka Honey is sourced from Manuka Flower, a rare breed found in New Zealand's remote, pollution free native forest. It's renowned as New Zealand National Treasure for its unique antibacterial properties UMF (Unique Manuka Factor). This superior natural antiseptic power together with its distinctive, rich flavour and unique aroma make it precious and famous around the world. ?Suitable for stomach upset, gastralgia, dyspepsia, weak lung, weak immunity, preventing flu
?Assisting digestion, keeping vitality
?Allergic Nose︰Add 3 slices of lemon, drink daily for superior result Recommended Use︰1 teaspoonful each time, 1 – 3 times daily
Take directly, together with food, dilute with water (hot water not suitable) or mixing with lemon tea.
Not suitable for children under 1 year old.
Store upright below 20℃, avoid sunlight.
Net Over HKD300 Free Delivery (Except Offshore Islands & Remote Districts), C.O.D.
Phone Purchase / Enquiry: 90104856 15% Discount! Net HKD203.- Copyright ? 2006 Harbour Crystal Company. No unauthorized copy. Copyright ? 2006 Harbour Crystal Company 版权所有 不得复制8? ?康维他 活性 10+ 麦芦卡蜂蜜 37 ?Comvita Active 10+ Manuka Honey 375g 苝 康维他活性 10+ 麦芦卡蜂蜜 375克
Comvita Active 10+ Manuka Honey 375g
容量︰375 克
天然纽西兰麦芦卡蜂蜜、活性麦芦卡因子 10% 或以上 天然抗菌剂 - 麦芦卡蜂蜜 (Manuka Honey) 号称【纽西兰国宝】。 纽西兰独有的野生麦芦卡 Manuka (红茶树),产量稀少,其珍贵之处在于其蜂蜜含独特的抗菌活性因子独麦素 UMF,抗菌效果比一般蜂蜜优秀,并能显示蜂蜜的活性成分、安全度及品质。口味浓郁、芳香甘醇及其独特的抗菌活性因子,使麦芦卡蜂蜜,闻名于世。 ?适合肠胃不适、肠胃敏感、胃痛、肠鸣、肺弱、容易感冒、抵抗力弱
?鼻敏感︰加柠檬三片,每日饮用,较果极佳 建议服用︰每次 1 茶匙,每日 1 - 3 次
直接或与食物一起食用、加水 (热水不宜)、配奶粉、麦片、柠檬茶等皆可
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